Egypt extends smoking ban

The Egyptian government has issued directives to all ministers and governors to implement a law that bans smoking in public buildings, reports Middle East Monitor.

In an official statement, Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly, called on all government bodies "to take the necessary measures to activate the mechanisms required for implementing the law".
According to the report, the law included a "complete ban on smoking inside health and educational facilities, government buildings, sports and social clubs, youth centres, as well as other places that were also announced by the health minister."
"The Manager of any of those buildings shall implement all necessary measures to prevent smoking," the law outlines, warning that they would be fined between EGP 1,000 and 20,000 (USD 63 – 1,270) for "violating the rules".
Smokers who violate the ruling face fines of between EGP 50 – 100 Egyptian pounds (USD 3 – 6.30), the report said.

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