EU: Bulgaria records the highest share of daily cigarette smokers

Bulgaria records the highest share of daily cigarette smokers (28.7%) within the EU for 2019, according to the latest Eurostat data, reports Greek City Times.

Following Bulgaria are Greece (23.6%), Latvia (22.1%), Germany (21.9%) and Croatia (21.8%).
In contrast, the countries with the smallest shares of daily smokers were Sweden (6.4%), Finland (9.9%), Luxembourg (10.5%), Portugal (11.5%) and Denmark (11.7%), the report said.
In 2019, 18.4% of the EU population aged 15 years or more reported that they were daily cigarette smokers. In fact, 12.6% of the EU population consumed fewer than 20 cigarettes per day, while 5.9% consumed 20 or more cigarettes on a daily basis.
In 2019, there were more smokers among the male population than the female population: 22.3% of men aged 15 years old and over were daily cigarette smokers, compared with 14.8% of women.

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