EU Health Commissioner Dalli resigns

European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy John Dalli resigned in the wake of allegations that an acquaintance approached a Swedish snus manufacturer with an offer to use his contact with Dalli to influence tobacco legislation, the Commission said in a statement.

Dalli’s resignation came after the company, Swedish Match, complained that it had been approached by a Maltese entrepreneur who asked for “financial advantages” in return for influencing tobacco legislation, in particular the European Union ban on snus, the Commission said.
Dalli’s resignation effective immediately came after EU fraud investigators compiled a report that said there was no conclusive evidence of influence peddling, but that Dalli was aware of the contact, the Commission said in a statement on 16 Oct.
The report by the European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF) will be sent to the Maltese attorney general, the Commission said. Dalli is a citizen of Malta.
Recommendations on a revised Tobacco Products Directive are expected from the Commission before the end of this year.
Commission Vice-President Maros Sefcovic was named temporary replacement for Dalli.
According to a report on the website of the Times of Malta, Maltese Foreign Minister Tonio Borg is a likely choice to replace Dalli on the Commission. Dalli joined the Commission in 2010. (ci)

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