Excise duty on tobacco products being revised

Azerbaijan is revising its excise duty rates for tobacco products during discussions surrounding its law “on State Duty”, reports Trend.

Azerbaijan is currently one of the countries with the lowest duty on tobacco products. Deputy Finance Minister Azer Bayramov has now revealed that the topic will be raised during discussions on amendments to the law "on State Duty" at the meeting of the Committee on Economic Policy, Industry and Entrepreneurship of the Milli Mejlis (parliament). According to Trend, he said that he expected there to be a change regarding taxation on tobacco products as a result of the discussions.
"Excise rates will increase, as well as duties for the registration of excise stamps. Most of the increase in budget revenues is expected from these changes. Looking at the WHO figures related to excise taxes, special taxes that are applied in the world on tobacco products, Azerbaijan is one of the countries with the lowest duty in this area. But taking into account social issues, we do not sharply increase duties in this area,” Bayramov said.

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