Experts call for ban of cig sales within 100m of schools

The Chinese Association of Tobacco Control called for a legislation to ban tobacco sales within 100 metres of school compounds, CGTN reported.

Experts from the fields of tobacco control, youth protection and the law have agreed that the draft amendment to the country's law on protection of minors should specify an exact distance to tobacco sales points near schools.
According to the report, China passed its law on protection of minors in 1991 and then drafted amendments in 2006 and 2012. This third draft began in October 2019 and prohibits the sale of tobacco, alcohol and lottery near schools and included vaping for the first time.
China has already made progress in tobacco control with cities introducing local smoking bans. In the capital Beijing, a 2014 tobacco control ordinance was issued, stating that sales to minors in shops, vending machines or online are prohibited and that tobacco sales are not allowed within 100 metres of nurseries, schools or academic institutions, the report said.
In its "'Healthy China' Outline Plan 2030", the country committed to strengthening tobacco control through pricing, taxation and legislation, with the aim of reducing the prevalence of smokers aged 15 and older to 20 per cent from the current 27.7 per cent.

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