Farmers switch from tobacco

As part of a UN and government project around 700 farmers have switched from tobacco farming to start growing other crops, reports The Standard.

The project, which is supported by the World Health Organisation, the World Food Programme (WFP), the Food and Agriculture Organisation and the national government supported farmers willing to make the switch by providing training, seeds and fertilisers. Farmers were also given help to get markets for their produce.
Kenya was selected as the first country to roll out the project that aims to stop farmers and their families from being exposed to serious health risks that occur while handling and dealing with tobacco, reports The Standard.
"The Ministry of Health is delighted to see farmers move away from what is a health hazard for them and their families and towards more eco-friendly farming practices," said the Director for Communicable Diseases Marea Malel, representing Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe.
As part of the project 135 tons of beans have been sold to WFP so far.
“WFP has provided a ready market for high-iron beans, promoted good agricultural practices, nutrition sensitisation, and post-harvest loss training,” said Simon Cammelbeeck, the Farm to Market Alliance managing director.

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