FCTC calls for stricter controls on tobacco and vaping industries

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) called for a global effort to hold tobacco companies liable for smoking-related health problems and bans on vaping devices, according to news accounts.

In a declaration at the close of the FCTC’s seventh Conference of the Parties (COP7), delegates cautioned governments of its 180 member countries against attempts by tobacco interests to undermine public health measures and restrictions on tobacco, the Associated Press reported. Parties were asked to ramp up efforts to hold tobacco companies liable for smoking-related diseases and their impact on public health costs, said DNA India.
COP said electronic nicotine delivery devices (ENDS) and non-nicotine delivery devices such as waterpipes should be prohibited where a danger to public health is present, DNA India reported. More than 1,500 delegates attended the semi-annual meeting held this year in Greater Noida, India.
Countries where tobacco is not grown were asked to block its introduction. Where tobacco is cultivated, governments were encouraged to pursue introduction of economically viable alternative crops, according to a draft document submitted for approval.

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