FDA to delay some deeming rule deadlines

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is postponing by three months deadlines that fall after 10 May in its deeming rule on e-cigarettes, cigars and shisha products, the Washington Post said.

Affected deadlines include one for cigar makers to submit plans for health warnings on their products. Provisions already in effect such as prohibiting sales of these products to persons under the age of 18 and distributing free samples remain in effect, the Post said. The delay came in response to motions filed by the Justice Department seeking more time for new leadership at Health and Human Services and FDA to examine the issue involved in the deeming rule.
According to Convenience Store News, US District Court Judge Amit Mehta issued an order granting a 90-day extension. The order extends deeming rule deadlines in subsequent years, according to the publication. It reportedly was issued in the context of a lawsuit by cigar interests challenging the deeming rule. A notice from FDA on the delay was expected in coming days, according to Convenience Store News.

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