First G7 country set to legalise cannabis

After months of careful study, the Canadian Senate is expected to pass bill C-45 in June, which would make Canada the first G7 nation to legalise recreational marijuana, Independent reported.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau supports the legalisation of cannabis and the House of Commons has already passed the bill, according to the report. Legal sales would be permitted two to three months after the legislation passes, the health minister has said.
The drug will still be extremely regulated and sold in plain packaging with yellow health warnings if the bill passes, Independent reported. Branding of marijuana products will also be restricted. Individuals who drive under the influence of cannabis or carry more than 30g of dried cannabis can expect imprisonment or a large fine, according to the report. The exact details of the laws will be decided on at provincial level the report said.
If the drug was legalised, it would have a major effect on Canada’s economy, Independent reported. According to a report by the financial consulting corporation Deloitte, cannabis would generate over USD 6 billion in revenue, with USD 4.3 billion coming from the sale of recreational marijuana, Independent reported.

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