Government bans tobacco sales

The Indian government has banned the sale of tobacco, liquor and gutka, a form of chewing tobacco, it announced April 15, reported India Today.

The move comes as part of the government’s extended lockdown. The measures have been put in place in order to ensure social distancing, an important aspect of the fight against coronavirus, is adhered to. The ban is part of a list of directives which have been issued under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, and also includes acts such as spitting in public, which is now punishable by fining.
According to the report, the government has also made it mandatory to cover ones face when in public, as those who are asymptomatic, or those who have not yet started to show symptoms, can still spread the virus. Homemade face covers are permitted and the government has published a manual on how to make these.
The lockdown in India began on March 25 and was extended on April 14 for another three weeks, until May 3.

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