Government initiates ban on e-cigs

The Delhi government has notified the Delhi High Court that it has taken steps to ban the production, sale and supply of e-cigarettes by filing an affidavit before the High Court and initiating public awareness campaigns against the products, the Indian Express reported.

The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), which is part of the health department of Dehli’s government, filed an affidavit before the High Court, which urges the sale and consumption of e-cigarettes to be regulated and banned, according to the report.
The DGHS said that e-cigarettes electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), and e-liquids containing nicotine do not fall under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act (DCA), which only permits certain types of nicotine preparation in the country.
The DGHS concluded in the affidavit that “the trade, commerce, production, supply and distribution of these substances would be prohibited under the DCA,” according to the report.
The court is set to hear the plea on 21 August.
In addition to that, the DGHS said that it would start a massive awareness campaign which would “communicate the adverse effects of these substances,” The Indian Express reported.

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