Government to ban smoking in cars with children

The government has announced that smoking and vaping will be banned in cars when children are present, NZ Herald reported.

New Zealand’s Associate Health Minister Jenny Salesa said under amendments to the “Smoke-Free Environments Act 1990” that the ban will apply to both moving and parked cars. Once the law has been amended by the end of 2019, the police will be able to require people to stop smoking in their cars if children (under 18) are present. They will also be able to issue warnings, refer people to stop-smoking services or impose a fine of NZD 50 (EUR 29.80), according to the report.
"First and foremost, this change is about protecting children. However, it is also part of the Government's commitment to achieving Smokefree 2025," Salesa was quoted as saying.
According to research by Action on Smoking and Health New Zealand in 2014, 100,000 children were exposed to second-hand smoke every week. "Public education and social marketing campaigns over many years have had some impact, but the rate of reduction in children exposed to smoking in vehicles is slowing. It is now time to do more by legislating," Salesa added.

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