Government urged to impose health levy

The Society for Protection of Rights of the Child (SPARC) wants the Pakistani government to introduce a health levy on tobacco products to product children and youths from the health effects of tobacco use, reports The Express Tribune.

As well as helping to save children and youths from the hazardous health effects, experts say a health levy would also help the country to overcome its current financial challenges. As much as PKR 60 billion (USD 264 million) of additional revenue could be gained through the health levy which could reduce damage caused by the tobacco industry and improve Pakistan’s healthcare infrastructure, according to The Express Tribune.
The Federal Cabinet approved a bill ton introduce a health levy on tobacco products in 2019, however it was blocked by policymakers who are heavily influenced by the tobacco industry, reports The Express Tribune.
The economic cost of smoking in Pakistan lies at PKR 615.07 billion, equivalent to 1.6 per cent of the country’s GDP whereas revenue from the tobacco industry only amounts to 20 per cent of the total cost.

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