Graphic warnings do not affect smokers

The recently introduced graphic health warnings do not affect the number of smokers, nor cigarette sales, a study by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics revealed.

The study also found that more than 5 per cent of an Egyptian family’s income is spent on cigarettes versus 2 per cent of the income which is spent on health.
In August, Ibrahim El Embaby, head of the tobacco industry division at the Industries Union, said that the new tobacco law did not affect the sales of cigarettes of water pipe tobacco at all.
The new tobacco law, which came into effect on 1 August, stipulates that a health warning should cover 50 per cent of a cigarette pack on both sides. The law also prohibits all forms of tobacco advertising, and bans smoking in health and educational institutions, youth centres, legislative associations and all government buildings and clubs. (pi)

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