Health Ministry to impose shisha ban

Imports, distribution and sale of shisha will be prohibited due to health risks associated with hookah smoking, the Ministry of Health said.

The ban will take effect later in November, the ministry said in a statement dated 4 Nov. A transition period to 31 July, 2016, will allow existing importers and retailers to deplete stock and restructure their businesses, the ministry said.
“Due to the sweet smelling smoke and passing of the smoke through water in the apparatus, there are often misconceptions that shisha smoking is less harmful and addictive. A recent WHO (World Health Organisation) report on shisha smoking stated that the misconceptions, together with the social nature of shisha smoking, have contributed to an increase in shisha smoking globally, particularly among young people, which raises further concerns that shisha smoking may serve as a gateway to cigarette smoking”, the ministry said in response to a parliamentary question.

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