Highest rate of cannabis smokers in EU

A recent survey shows that Ireland has the highest share of cannabis smokers in the whole of the European Union, reports Irish news website breakingnews.

The study, which was carried out by Eurobarometer, shows that 17 per cent of Irish people use products that contain cannabis. It also revealed that Ireland has the highest share of e-cigarette users at 7 per cent compared to the EU average which is only 2 per cent.
On the flip side, Tim Hayes of the European Commission revealed that the number of people smoking combustible cigarettes in Ireland has continued to decline, repots breakingnews.
“Luckily, the number of people smoking is steadily declining in Ireland, and now only one in five smoke tobacco on a daily basis,” he said. “Nevertheless, about one in ten smoke e-cigarettes, and surprisingly, almost one in five have smoked cannabis over the last year.”

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