Hope for InterTabac / InterSupply 2020

Dortmund Exhibition Centre is taking an optimistic view on the planning of trade fairs and is positive that the InterTabak/InterSupply can take place from 18-20 September, they said in a press release.

Trade fairs and events in Germany have been prohibited by official regulations since spring 2020. Recent developments give hope that trade fairs and congresses will be able to take place in the foreseeable future.
The last few weeks and months of the corona pandemic have confronted nearly all industries with a variety of different challenges. The event sector, and in particular the trade fair industry worldwide, have been hit especially hard by the measures imposed by the authorities. “Nevertheless, the most recent signals from political decision-makers have given us reason to take a slightly more favourable view of the prospect of resuming trade fairs in Dortmund," said Sabine Loos, Managing Director of the Westfalenhallen Group.
The authorities are currently discussing what the requirements might be for trade fair organisers in order to allow them to hold trade fairs with limited attendance, and with hygiene measures, after 31 May 2020. What these regulations will look like in detail is set to be announced in the coming days and weeks. “Once that happens, we will assess these measures and coordinate our way forward on that basis, in particular with regard to InterTabac & InterSupply,” Loos continued. “We expect this coordination activity to be complete by late May, early June.”

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