ICC opposes plain packaging

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) told a recent Senate committee inquiry into the government's plan to require plain cigarette packaging that it is opposed to the proposal, reports The Australian.

The ICC said even if the law was only targeted at tobacco products, it would render other industries vulnerable to copyright pirates and counterfeiters.
"We believe it will establish a precedent regarding the future use of trademarks and intellectual property that could be applied in the future to other product categories," the chamber told a Senate committee inquiry into the government's proposal.
"We are very concerned that not only will plain packaging lead to an increase in counterfeit goods, it will further reduce brand owners' ability to take action against such activity and increase the burdens on already overstretched public agencies working to enforce intellectual property protections, including Customs officers and other law-enforcement officials."
Australia’s House of Representatives voted in favour of legislation to require plain packaging for tobacco products on 24 August 2011. The measure has been passed to the Senate. (pi)

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