Imperial growth brands stable as volume falls

Imperial Brands organic tobacco volume fell 9.1 per cent in the three months to 31 Dec as continued market disruption in Iraq and Syria reduced shipments, the company said.

Adjusted for new volume through assets acquired last year from Reynolds American and Lorillard, volume declined 3 per cent. Acquired assets contributed 4.4 billion stick equivalents to total volume of 69.6 billion sticks, Imperial said. Growth brand volume, at 35.7 billion of the total, rose 0.4 per cent.
“We are performing well in the USA and our results will benefit from a full year’s contribution from ITG Brands,” Imperial sad. “The headwind from Iraq and Syria will lessen as we approach the half year.”
Organic tobacco revenue, without GBP226 million (EUR 327 million) in US sales, increased 2 per cent. Total volume rose 10 per cent to GBP 1.6 billion (EUR 2 billion) in the first business quarter of Imperial’s fiscal year, the company said.

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