Imperial stick equivalent volume declines

Imperial Tobacco stick equivalent volume declined in the 12 months ending 30 Sept., influenced by a drop in Spanish cigarette sales and tax increases in its home market, the United Kingdom.

“Our stick equivalent volumes declined by 1.5 per cent, a good result given the exceptional circumstances in Spain and the impact of trade buying patterns in the UK,” the company said in a 1 Nov. statement. Stick equivalent volume combines cigarette and fine-cut tobacco shipments.
Volume increased 4 per cent for key brands Davidoff, Gaulloises Blondes, West and JPS, Imperial said. Snus volume rose 30 per cent in Scandinavia, where Imperial markets the Knox and Scruf brands.
Stick-equivalent volume at 343.4 billion units compares with 348.5 billion units in the prior 12-month period. Tobacco net revenue gained 1.8 per cent to GBP 6.9 billion (EUR 8 billion). Overall sales rose 3.7 per cent to GBP 29.2 billion and operating profit by 4.4 per cent to GBP 2.6 billion. (ci)

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