Industry group seeks to open COP

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) asked the government to invite “all relevant stakeholders” to the World Health Organisation’s conference on tobacco control hosted by India from 7-12 Nov, Press Trust India reported.

Roughly 1,500 delegates from 180 countries will meet in Greater Noida to discuss measures that include improving controls on products other than cigarettes and developing alternatives to growing tobacco. CII asked that the tobacco industry and growers be invited to these talks, said PTI news agency.
CII and tobacco interest groups from India and the rest of the world have asked either to join or to monitor talks at the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Unconfirmed reports state the Indian government has rejected requests from domestic groups. WHO reportedly has asked for stricter controls on country delegations that have allowed tobacco representatives in their delegations at previous COPs.
CII’s appeal was made in a letter from Director General Chandrajit Banerjee to C K Misha, secretary of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, PTI said.

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