Influence of pack warnings on smokers limited

Only one in three smokers say pack warning messages caused them to reduce their intake, the National Post said in a story citing a survey commissioned by Health Canada.

Smokers say the messages provide information and curtail their smoking around non-smokers. However only about four of 10 survey respondents said the warnings have increased their desire, or prompted an attempt to quit, the Post said on its website.
Environics Research Group in March surveyed 1,505 Canadian adult smokers for Health Canada. The survey follows government approval last autumn of 15 new graphic warning health messsages to cover 75 per cent of the front and back of packs of cigarette and cigarillo packs, the Post reported. Retailers had until mid-June to switch to stock with the new warnings.
Smokers recognize use of tobacco products causes health problems and about half the survey respondents said their information on health issues from cigarette smoking comes from the pack warnings, the Post reported. (pi)

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