InterTabac and InterSupply publish supporting programme

600+ exhibitors from 69 countries, including over 160 first-timers – diversity and exclusivity are guaranteed at InterTabac and InterSupply in Dortmund from 15 to 17 September. This span is also reflected in the programme, which is now open for bookings.

A Cigar & Rum Pairing, for example, will see exclusive spirits meet cigars from the Dominican Republic, complementing each other to create an exceptional taste experience. With ‘Ron Centenario 20+30’, Sierra Madre will be presenting part of its international portfolio aimed at the premium brand rum segment. There will also be three cigars from manufacturers in the Dominican Republic – Dos Jotas, Cornelio Cigars Factory and SB Cigars.

The NGP sector will not be neglected either, with some exhibitors presenting their latest innovations to visitors in short talks entitled Speed Fire Presentations. These will include ‘InoxAir’, ‘WERRTA’ and ’77 pouches’. The presentation is moderated by TJI’s Editor-in-Chief Marc Reisner.

There will also be a panel discussion with participants from various European retail associations. Among others, Hannes Hofer (Managing Director of the Austrian Tobacco Monopoly Administration) will speak on the topic of ‘Heat-not-burn’, Elena Viana (President of the Union of Tobacco Retailers of Spain) will give a talk on e-cigarettes, and Josef Prischl (Federal Chairman of the Tobacco Retailers of Austria) will speak about nicotine pouches. They will be engaging with other experts on the various situations in their home countries. The full programme is available >>> here.

To participate in any of the programme items, online registration is required. To do this quickly and conveniently, simply head to the InterTabac website.

Tickets to InterTabac and InterSupply are available >>> here.

News and highlights of the shows can be found on the show websites (InterTabac/InterSupply), on the online platform Business Insights, on LinkedIn and via newsletter (InterTabac/InterSupply).

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