Jobs cut at tobacco farming companies

Climate change-induced droughts have affected tobacco crops in southern Africa and due to the due in yields, some tobacco producing companies have had to let workers go, reports News Day.

Contract workers are those most likely to be affected with one company in Karoi contracting only 54 workers compared to the 120 they usually employ as seasonal workers.
“Seasonal tobacco floor workers are in a fix. Annually, they are made to sign vague contracts which do not provide for social safety nets,” a source told News Day.
“This season, the tobacco crop has been affected by the El Niño weather phenomenon. Another factor is that most farmers planted during the first rains and the crop suffered due to a long prolonged dry spell,” said another source adding that seasonal workers would lose out on income and benefits like social security.
Zimbabwe Tobacco Growers Association president George Seremwe is aware of the situation and said: “A quick survey, though not official, indicates that there are definitely low yields and the quality has been compromised and this means low labour intake by auction floors companies this season.”
According to the National Employment Council (NEC) for the tobacco industry over 11 500 seasonal workers are engaged at the peak of the season, reports News Day.
“Eighty per cent of the employees are on seasonal contracts of employment. Twenty percent are on contracts of employment without limitation of time,” the NEC said.
So far this year 113,101 hectares of tobacco have been planted compared to 117,645 hectares last season, reports News Day.

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