JTI reacts to illegal sales

Japan Tobacco International (JTI) has removed tobacco gantries from three stores after the retailers were found to be selling illegal tobacco products, reports Convenience Store.

Three shops in the North West of England were found to be selling illegal cigarettes for low prices and in one case alcohol and cigarettes were being sold to local schoolchildren as an investigation by the police and HMRC uncovered.
JTI has a strict policy on illegal sales and has removed 46 gantries across the UK since 2017, reports Convenience Store. The company has urged other companies to do the same and review their relationships with the stores in question.
“Illicit and underage tobacco sales are not victimless crimes and are both harmful for communities across the UK. We’re committed to supporting honest retailers through our Don’t Be Complicit in Illicit campaign and microsite, which features a host of useful articles and advice to combat the illegal trade, as well as our IDentify scheme, which aims to reduce the number of independent premises ‘at risk’ of selling tobacco, vaping and other nicotine products to minors,” said JTI’s fiscal & regulatory affairs manager Ian Howell.

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