Juul e-cigs banned

The import and sale of the popular Juul e-cigarette has been banned, with the Health Ministry saying the product’s high nicotine concentration poses “grave risk to public health”, Reuters reported.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who leads the Ministry of Health, signed an order this week banning Juul sales and Reuters said the ban will go into effect fifteen days thereafter.
The Health Ministry said Juul sales have been banned because the product has a nicotine concentration higher than 20 milligrams per millilitre of e-liquid and poses a risk to public health, the news agency said.
San Francisco-based Juul Labs, which makes the device, said it was “incredibly disappointed” with the government’s “misguided” decision and said it planned to appeal the ban, Reuters said.
Juul Labs began selling the Juul e-cigarette in Israel in May.

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