Legally grown marijuana sold as experiment

The country has launched an experiment with the sale of legally grown marijuana in coffee shops in ten municipalities, reports dpa.

As part of an initial test phase, coffee shops in the southern cities of Tilburg and Breda are the first to be allowed to sell legally grown marijuana.
The sale of small quantities of hashish or marijuana in so-called coffee shops is tolerated in the Netherlands, however, the cultivation and wholesale of the drug is forbidden, meaning coffee shop owners must acquire their supplies from illegal wholesalers. Now, the government has agreed to an experiment with state-controlled marijuana cultivation that is kickstarting in two cities, reports dpa. Three marijuana growers will legally supply the coffee shops with plants that have been grown under state supervision. Furthermore, the cultivation and stocking of the coffee shops is subject to strict checks, according to dpa.
“By regulating the sale of cannabis, we gain better insight into the origin of the products and the quality,” said Health Minister Ernst Kuipers. “In addition, we can better inform consumers about the effects and health risks of cannabis use.”
The Dutch government will decide on the full legalization of cannabis once the experiment has come to an end.

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