Liggett-Ducat increased yearly output by 13 per cent

The Moscow-based cigarette maker Liggett-Ducat (Gallaher Group) registered a 7 per cent yearly increase in sales and 13.1 per cent in output, the company’s official statement says.

The market share was thus brought to 16.9 per cent, the fourth after PM, BAT and JTI. As to production volume, Liggett-Ducat is a positive number three in the industry, with 70 billion cigarettes made over the past year, opposed to the 61 billion output registered by JTI. All flagship brands have shown notable sale increase. E.g., sales of the Sovereign and Sobranie brand lines have risen remarkably, by 61 and 65 per cent correspondingly. The company has also consolidated its leadership in the economy-price market niche and brought its share to 22.7 per sent of the segment, thanks to the growth of sales of LD above all.

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