Menthol cigarettes to be banned

From May 2020, cigarettes and rolling tobacco with ‘characterising flavours’, including menthol, will be banned in the UK, reported Bustle.

The ban comes as part of the EU Tobacco Product Directive, which, in 2016, pledged that by 2020 all cigarettes with distinctive flavours would no longer be permitted. This included flavours such as fruit, spice, herbs, alcohol, candy, menthol or vanilla, as it had previously been argued that these kinds of flavours were more likely to encourage young people to take up smoking.
According to the report, cigarette manufacturers such as Marlboro have attempted against appealing against the change, but have been unsuccessful. Amanda Sandford from Action on Smoking and Health told Bustle, “It's naturally hard to inhale smoke and for many the first time they smoke it is repugnant, but people persevere with it and that's when they become addicted. There's evidence that menthol cigarettes relax the airways and the flavour masks the harshness of the smoke, therefore younger people find it easier to smoke.”
The change in law will also mean a ban on products that allow people to change the smell, taste, or smoke intensity of cigarette. The report also states that, according to iNews, skinny cigarettes will also be banned. Although this is an EU initiative, it will not be affected by Brexit.

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