New pictorial health warnings on packs

The government decided to print a new pictorial health warning on cigarette packs and to increase the size, according to a press release from the Pakistan’s Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination (NHSRC).

The new pictorial warning shows the disease “Gangrene”, which is caused by smoking. The size of all warnings will be increased from 50 to 60 per cent and printed on both sides of the cigarette pack, the press release said. The warning will come into force on 1 June 2019 on all packs manufactured in the country and imported to Pakistan.
Federal Health Minister Aamer Mehmood Kiani said on this occasion that the Ministry of NHSRC is committed to reduce prevalence of tobacco use in the country. As a signatory to Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), Pakistan will fulfill its international commitments by taking demand and supply reduction measures, according to the press release.
According to the press release, smoking is the cause of death of around 160,100 Pakistanis every year. About 24 million adults currently consume tobacco in any form in Pakistan. The Ministry’s Tobacco Control Cell is taking measures to reduce demand and supply in order to reduce the prevalence of tobacco consumption in the country. In this context, the Cell banned the sale of loose cigarettes sticks, banned the import of tobacco and non-tobacco sheesha and related substances, banned tobacco advertisement in print, electronic and outdoor media, illegalized designated smoking areas / smoking rooms, and declared 100 per cent smoke-free public places, the press release said.

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