No smoking in public places

In a bid to stop the spread of coronavirus, smoking in all public places in the eastern Turkish province of Mus has been banned, reports Anadolu Agency.

From now on, smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products is forbidden in all public places which also includes streets and parks. Other provinces such as Van, Erzincan and Kastamonu had already introduced similar bans.
Turkey has registered a total of 384,509 cases of coronavirus and 10,558 deaths up to date.
Hairdressers, theatres, swimming pools and other leisure places have been ordered to close by 10 pm in all of Turkey in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. According to Anadolu Agency, restaurants and cafes must also adhere to these restrictions but are allowed to offer take-away even after 10 pm.
“Violators of the ban will be fined in accordance with General Public Hygiene Law and Turkish Penal Code,” an official press release stated, according to Anadolu Agency.

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