Parliament rejects blanket ban on tobacco ads

The Swiss parliament has approved new advertising and sponsorship regulations for tobacco products. However, a total ban on tobacco advertising was rejected, reports Swiss Info.

The Swiss parliament has approved new advertising and sponsorship regulations for tobacco products. However, a total ban on tobacco advertising was rejected, reports Swiss info.
The long-running debate was heated until the end, with the political left trying in vain to push through a more restrictive approach to tobacco products.
Poster advertising of tobacco products and e-cigarettes that can be seen from public places, as well as advertising in cinemas, on public transport, in buildings and on sports fields, will be banned. Sponsorship of events in Switzerland is to be banned if they have an international character or are aimed at an underage audience, the report said.
However, the House of Representatives agreed with the Senate and rejected a ban on menthol cigarettes. The conservative and centrist majority in parliament cited economic arguments, saying a menthol ban would mean that about a quarter of tobacco products manufactured in Switzerland could no longer be manufactured.
They also argued against excessive regulation of legal products. As a result, tobacco advertising in the press and on the internet will not be banned in principle. The ban will only apply to print media and websites “intended for minors”.
Swiss voters will have the last word on the issue. A public vote on a total advertising ban of tobacco products is expected to take place next year.

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