Philip Morris pledges to make Bristol smoke-free

Cigarette and tobacco manufacturing company Philip Morris has pledged to launch a new initiative to help Bristol become the first ever city in England to go smoke-free, Bristol Live reported.

The initiative is part of the company's promise to help encourage smokers either to give up smoking or to switch to smoke-free alternatives. According to the report, the company believes it will be able to play a vital role in helping Bristol's 56,000 smokers to give up cigarettes.
Philip Morris’ strategy includes: Partnering with local businesses to ensure their employee smokers understand the range of alternatives available if they do not quit; Working with local retailers who are selling cigarettes to prepare for a smoke-free city; Campaigning locally to ensure smokers have all the facts about the full range of options to help them give up smoking, the report said.
Peter Nixon, managing director of Phillip Morris, was quoted as saying: “Bristol could genuinely be the first city in England to go smoke-free. We believe our New Year commitments can make a real, practical difference in giving smokers the support they need to give up.”

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