Pictorial warning size increase

The Ministry of National Health Services and Regulations (NHS) has issued an order to enlarge the size of the pictorial warnings on cigarette packs in Pakistan, The Nation reported.

At the moment, graphic warnings cover 40 per cent of cigarette packs in the country. With this change, the volume of the warning will increase to 50 per cent by June 2018, according to The Nation.
This change will occur over a two-year period and in two phases, according to an official cited by The Nation. First, the graphic picture will be increased to 50 per cent of the front, back and sides by June 2018 and then to 60 per cent in 2019.
Dr. Asad Hafeez, director general of NHS, said that tobacco companies will have had enough time to sell their already manufactured products before the new regulation will take effect. If they do not comply, they will be fined, Hafeez said.

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