Plain packaging for tobacco products

The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the National Committee for Tobacco Control, has introduced plain packaging for tobacco products, reports The Arabian Stories.

Oman is the second Arab country to introduce plain packaging which means all promotional designs and claims are removed from the pack and health warnings introduced.
According to The Arabian Stories, producers and importers of tobacco products were given a 16-month grace period to comply with the new regulations and dispose of existing stock.
By adopting plain packaging, Oman is following guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) to make tobacco products less attractive and warn users about possible health impacts. Studies endorsed by the WHO have shown that plain packaging is an effective tool especially when it comes to reducing tobacco consumption among youths.
The new regulations will mean that tobacco packaging may no longer include information about the contents, taste or smell of the product and health warnings, including images, must cover at least 65 per cent of the package.
Those found to be in violation of the new rules will face fines of OMR 1,000 (USD 2,590) which will double in the case of repeat offenses.


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