Plain packaging, larger warnings decided

A new bill to enforce plain packaging and larger pictorial warnings for tobacco products was passed in the Parliament of Singapore on 11 February, Channel News Asia reported.

According to the report, all tobacco products will have to be sold in drab dark brown packaging with a standardised font. Logos, colours, brand images and promotional information will be stripped from packs and pictorial warnings will increase in size from 50 per cent to 75 per cent of the packaging surface.
Presenting the bill for a second reading, Senior Minister of State for Health, Edwin Tong, said that more needs to be done to curb tobacco use. He stated that one in five men in Singapore smoke daily. "The smoking rates have been fluctuating between 12 per cent and 14 per cent in the last 10 years, with no clear pattern of continuous decline," Tong was quoted as saying.

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