Poland to ban indoor smoking

The Polish government yesterday supported a parliamentary draft bill that bans smoking in all enclosed public places by next year.

According to the new bill, smoking will be banned in all workplaces, as well as hospitals, schools, universities, railway stations, airports and bus stops and within 10-metre radius of designated non-smoking areas.
Further, it will be illegal to smoke in private cars if passengers include children. Pubs and clubs will be allowed to choose whether they want to allow smoking on the premises if they provide separate smoking rooms with doors that close automatically. Shop owners will not be allowed to display cigarettes. They will be fined for selling cigarettes to minors.
The new regulations are expected to be in force by the end of this year. MPs want to pass the bill as soon as possible.
Supporters of the extended smoking ban hope that more people will give up the habit while opponents claim that banning smoking in pubs and clubs will cause a significant drop in trade, as has happened in Scotland and England. (pi)

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