Portugal bans smoking inside public places

Portugal's parliament approved a law on Friday banning smoking in almost all indoor public places and will carry hefty fines for individuals who flout the ban.

The ban was approved more than a year after it was proposed by the government. Despite widespread consensus among parliamentarians on the law, which should enter into force within a year, some had disagreed on the fines for violators. Smokers who smoke in offices, shopping centres and most restaurants will be fined up to € 1,000 (US$ 1,870), more than twice the penalty incurred on a person caught using illegal drugs in public places.
Establishments that break the law will face a fine of up to € 2,500, but some restaurants and bars can designate 30 per cent of their space for smokers if they are larger than 100 square metres.
About a quarter of the Portuguese population smoke and smoking is blamed for up to 12,000 deaths annually according to polling group Marktest.  With the implementation of a strict smoking ban, Portugal joins other European countries, including England, Ireland, France, Italy and Spain.

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