Public display of tobacco products banned

Retailers are now prohibited from any public display of tobacco products including cigarettes, vapes and e-cigarettes, reports the Public Radio of Armenia.

The Armenian Parliament voted to pass the law on reduction and prevention of harm to health as a result of use of tobacco products and their substitutes back in February 2020 and it has now come into effect. Not only is it forbidden to display any type of tobacco product, the display of empty boxes, trademarks or symbols is also prohibited, according to the Public Radio of Armenia.
“The full application of these provisions over time will significantly reduce tobacco use in the country, which will significantly improve the health of the population and the development of the country’s economy,” said MP Arsen Torosyan, who was Minister of Health at the time the law passed.
Furthermore, from March 2022, a ban on smoking in restaurants and cafés will come into force.

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