RELX to donate essential medical items

RELX Technology announced the extension of the RELX For You With Care project to support its international partners during the COVID-19 crisis, the company reported.

According to the press release, RELX will initially send 78,200 masks and over 515 gallons of hand sanitizers to its global distributors, partners and store owners to help protecting them. The supplies will be sent to countries in Asia, Europe and South America.
“RELX is wholly committed to supporting the well-being of our employees, partners, and store owners during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a global startup, we are doing what we can to help our global community. We hope our modest donation will help them during these trying times,” said RELX Founder and CEO Kate Wang.
In late January, RELX, one of Asia’s leading e-cigarette company, kicked off the RELX For You With Care Project by donating CNY 1 million (USD 141,800) to the Institute of Psychology, China Academy of Science through the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation to support a training program designed to provide mental health support services.

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