Restaurants return to serving shisha

On 15 June, restaurants and cafes in Jordan returned to serving shisha after nearly seven months of closures, reports Roya News.

But, the head of the Health Awareness and Information at the Ministry of Health, Abeer Muwaswas, stressed that serving shisha will only be allowed in outdoor areas.
She told Roya News that establishments which do not have outdoor areas can either move the café to another place with an outdoor area or build an outdoor space for the café. In case an establishment violates the health restrictions, the ministry has the right to close the violating facility or impose a fine of JOD 1,000 – 3,000 (USD 1,410 – 4,230) or imprison the owner for up to six months.
Facilities are allowed to receive customers as long as they have received a vaccination, with 21 days having passed since the first dose. The government also stipulated that establishments may only work at a capacity of no more than 50 per cent, the report said.

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