Six-gramme limit for cannabis demanded

In most federal states, criminal prosecution is waived for possession of up to six grammes of cannabis. The Federal Drug Commissioner Daniela Ludwig wants to implement this nationwide, reports Tagesschau.

Ludwig advocates that cannabis possession up to a personal use limit of six grammes should in future be prosecuted as an administrative offence – and no longer as a criminal offence. This would also relieve the police and the judiciary. "In my view, a limit of six grammes would be justifiable – and nationwide," the CSU politician told Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. Such a limit would have "a certain signal effect and an influence on consumer behaviour".
In most federal states, criminal prosecution is already waived for possession of up to six grammes of cannabis. In some states, higher upper limits also apply. However, the amount of 15 grammes tolerated in Berlin is "clearly too high", Ludwig said. More young people smoke pot there than anywhere else in Germany.
Ludwig recommended that the CDU/CSU seek a compromise with future coalition partners after the federal elections. "It is clear that cannabis is not as dangerous as cocaine or heroin. It is also true that it has to be about different, better sanctions and about relieving the police and the judiciary," she stressed.
The parties Grüne, SPD, Linke and FDP, on the other hand, are largely in agreement that they want to legalise cannabis. Germans will vote on 26 September to elect a new Bundestag.

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