Smoking ban in public places begins today

As of today Chile joins the public smoking ban debate with strict measures regulating smoking and non-smoking areas in restaurants, pubs, shopping malls, theatres, cinemas and other closed spaces.

Bars and restaurants with an area less than a hundred square metres will have to choose between becoming non smoking or smoking and if the are latter banned to minors under 18. Public places with larger areas will have to offer both options with the necessary ventilation system to ensure an appropriate environment with fresh air.
According to the Chilean press coffee houses, very popular in downtown Santiago, have already opted for the smokers condition, “otherwise we’ll run out of business; coffee and smoking seem to go together”, coffee house owners argued.
“Here we can smoke”, say stickers in windows, proclaiming loyalty to clients, but also warning that the premises are out of bounds for the under 18.
The bill not only bans the sale of cigarettes to minors under 18 but is also extensive to businesses in the range of 100 metres from schools or education institutions.
Chiletabacos, the country’s main distributor of cigarettes and a BAT subsidiary, argues that some aspects of the bill are 'discriminatory' and favour smuggling and a black market.
The bill also ban smoking in offices with more than ten people and cigarette boxes must clearly indicate in big writing the dangers of tobacco. Those who infringe the law are exposed to fines equivalent to up to US$ 57,000 or the closure of the business for 30 working days. Individual smokers who have been warned and insist in ignoring the ban can be taken to a police station and face court action. (pi)

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