Smoking ban proves costly for German bars

The first official statistics revealed a sharp drop in revenue for German bar owners since the state smoking bans took effect last year.

Bars and pubs, whose main business is selling beverages, have been hit hardest by the new smoking bans, according to figures released by the Federal Statistical Office on Friday, 6 June. Restaurants and cafes faired better.

In the fourth quarter of 2007, revenue dropped by 14.1 per cent more than the previous year for bars located in states with smoking bans. Those in states without bans collected only 8.8 per cent less than during the same period in 2006.
Sales in beverage-oriented pubs and bars in states with smoking bans dropped by 9.8 in the third quarter of 2007, 3 per cent more than in the rest of the country. Restaurants and eateries in states with smoking bans recorded a 0.8-per-cent loss compared to the first quarter last year.

Dehoga, the German association for hotels and restaurants, has said it advocates smoking bans that allow smoking in one-room pubs. Germany's constitutional court in Karlsruhe is to examine the matter this coming week. (pi)

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