Smoking banned on beaches

A smoking ban will come into place from June applying to the sand areas of all Bayside beaches, according to Mirage News.

Between December and February 1,600 people took part in an online survey and at local events where they were asked about the smoking ban. 91.5 per cent of the people asked were in favour or the ban and no-smoking signs have already been put up, reports Mirage News.
Anyone who is found vaping or smoking any sort or cigarette or device on a Bayside beach could face a fine of up to AUD 1,000 (USD 650) if prosecuted. According to Mirage News, local law officers will be conducting regular beach patrols and investigating complaints.
“The smoking ban will help to safeguard our beautiful foreshore and improve the wellbeing of our community,” says Bayside Mayor Cr Clarke Martin.

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