Strict smoking rules in Turin

Italy’s fourth largest city, Turin, has imposed a new smoking ban. It applies, among other things, when other people are within a radius of five metres, reports HNA.
Smoking has been strictly regulated in Italy for years. In 2005, a smoking ban was introduced in all public buildings, offices, restaurants, bars, discos and hotels. Turin is now going one step further: smoking is now also prohibited outdoors if there are other people within a radius of five metres.
“It’s about respecting those who don’t smoke and, in a way, also about promoting a culture of respect,” said Mayor Stefano Lo Russo about the decision. This is a matter of “common sense”. Smoking in the vicinity of other people will only be permitted “with their express consent”. If there are pregnant women or children in the vicinity, smoking outdoors is completely prohibited.
According to the adopted ordinance, the ban applies not only to cigarettes, but also to cigars, pipes, heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes. Anyone who disregards the ban must expect a fine of EUR 100. The Italian government has been planning a nationwide ban on smoking outdoors for some time.

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