Tax hikes on tobacco products take effect

Sales tax on cigarettes increased by 50 per cent of retail price as part of an economic reform programme overseen by the International Monetary Fund, the Egypt Independent reported.

Tax on shisha was increased to 150 per cent from 50 per cent, according to a separate report on Ahram Online, the English language website of the newspaper Al-Ahram.
The increases were approved three weeks ago as part of a USD 4.8 billion (EUR 3.7 billion) IMF loan package, and technically took effect on 7 Dec, the Independent reported. They come at a time when President Mohamed Morsi faces massive public protests challenging his rule.
Duties on products ranging from soft drinks to steel, beer, electricity and mobile phone calls are among taxes that have been raised, according to the reports. The tax on cigarettes will increase to EGP 2 (EUR 0.25) for domestic and EGP 2.50 for imported brands, according to reports. The Egypt Independent is the English language weekly and website of the newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm. (pi)

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