Tobacco earnings up 13% in 2021

Malawi has cumulatively earned USD 197.1 million from tobacco sales in 2021, which is 13 per cent more than last year, reports The Nation.

Last year, the country earned USD 174.97 from tobacco, which remains the country's top export despite falling demand in the international market.
According to a 2021 market summary provided by AHL Group, tobacco sales lasted 21 weeks in the just-ended 2021 marketing season compared to 19 weeks in 2020.
Unlike last year when the country sold 114 million kg, this year it sold a total of 123.7 million kg of all types of tobacco, according to AHL.
In terms of average pricing, the seasonal average price for all tobacco varieties at the end of this year's marketing season was USD 1.59 per kg, compared to USD 1.53 per kg in the same period last year, the report said.
Tobacco Commission CEO Joseph Chidanti Malunga described the 2021 tobacco marketing season as “very successful”, saying all the key market variables registered an increase. “Both average price, volume and revenue have gone up. The commission has been very serious in managing the crop size and the good news beyond those good numbers is that we predicted exactly as it has turned out in terms of crop size. We had projected a crop size of 122 million kgs and we have ended up with 123 million kgs and this is the first time we have been accurate in the history of the commission,” he was quoted as saying.

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