Tobacco giants cannot sue government

Prime Minister John Key says big tobacco companies will not be able to sue the government over anti-smoking laws because it acts in the interest of public health, reports the New Zealand Herald.

His statement comes after the recent announcement by Philip Morris Asia, based in Hong Kong, and BAT that they will sue the Australian government over the violation of intellectual property rights because it intends to force tobacco companies to sell cigarettes in plain packets.
Legal action by the tobacco companies would be taken under a trade agreement between Australia and Hong Kong, and New Zealand has a similar arrangement.
The Green Party says Philip Morris could use the same tactic against New Zealand if Associate Health Minister Tariana Turia gets her way and follows Australia. But Key said New Zealand's free trade agreements excluded that risk. "The best advice I've had is that we wouldn't be able to be sued because we would be protected, in the public interest, in terms of health," he said at his post-cabinet press conference. (pi)

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