Tobacco harvest estimated at 569.000 tons

The Brazilian tobacco harvest for the 2021/2022 tobacco crop has been estimated at 569.000 tons, a reduction of 9.38 per cent compared to last season, according to Kohltrade.

The Brazilian Tobacco Growers Association (Afubra) announced the first estimate for the 2021/2022 tobacco crop in the three southern states of Brazil: 569,539 tons. The numbers show a reduction of 9.38 per cent compared to the last season that closed at 628,489 tons. In terms of planted area, there was also a reduction of 9.78 per cent, from 273,317 hectares to 243,590 hectares in this year. The expected productivity is 2,310 kg/ha; in the last harvest, it was 2,299 kg/ha.
Afubra’s President, Benício Albano Werner, highlights that this reduction in the tobacco production area was expected. “We had already estimated that there would be a reduction of 8 to 10 per cent on average, in southern Brazil. This is not negative, on the contrary, it is necessary, since, for several harvests, Afubra and the entities representing tobacco growers warn of the need to adapt our product offer to market demand. Another factor that weighed, and a lot, in this reduction in planting was the great frustration that tobacco growers had in the last harvest, in the commercialization. Furthermore, with other crops providing greater profitability, many producers are investing even more in the diversification of their properties”.

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